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Comparison of PowPeg and RBTC Flyover

Here's a detailed comparison of the PowPeg vs RBTC Flyover.

PowPegFlyover (Includes PowPeg)
Network (and Coin)Bitcoin (BTC) and Rootstock (RBTC)Bitcoin (BTC) and Rootstock (RBTC)
Key DifferentiatorsNative for Rootstock (as a Bitcoin sidechain)Significantly Faster than the PowPeg
Core ConceptFederated 2 Way PegLiquidity Provider (LP) Service + Federated 2 Way Peg (i.e. the PowPeg)
TrustRequires trust in PowPegRequires trust in PowPeg. LPs are trustless
Time to transfer value to Rootstock100 Bitcoin Blocks (about 17 hours)~20 minutes 1
Time for value transfer from Rootstock4000 Rootstock Blocks (about 34 hours)~15 minutes 2
Cost StructureNo service fees, Only blockchain TX fees on Bitcoin (for peg-in) and Rootstock (for peg-out)LP provider fees (0.0001 RBTC) 3 + transaction fees on Rootstock + Bitcoin TX fee
Minimum Limit for value transfer0.005 BTC for peg in and 0.004 RBTC for peg-outSame as PowPeg for peg in (BTC). Peg out min (RBTC) is configurable by the LP (set at 0.004 RBTC initially)
Max Limit for value transferNone0.1 BTC and 0.1 RBTC 4
  1. Based on the number of Bitcoin block confirmations configured by the LP (currently set at 2 Bitcoin block confirmations for amounts <= 0.1 BTC). Bitcoin blocks can take longer to confirm.
  2. Based on the number of Rootstock block confirmations configured by the LP (currently set at 10 Rootstock confirmations for amounts <= 0.1 RBTC) + 1 Bitcoin block confirmation.
  3. An LP can set their own fees. The initial LP In the PowPeg app has set its provider fee at 0.0001 RBTC so that the LP covers network fees when receiving and rebalancing funds from PowPeg.
  4. There is no technical limit for transfers. It depends on the available liquidity and limitations set by the LP. The initial LP in the PowPeg app, has set the max transfer limits to 0.1 BTC/RBTC.
Last updated on by Edwin Liava'a
