Getting Started with Ape
The Ape Framework is an easy-to-use Web3 development tool. Developers can compile, test, and interact with smart contracts all in one command line session. With its modular plugin system, Ape supports multiple contract languages and chains including Rootstock.
In this guide, we will learn about the Ape Framework and its benefits for smart contract development, how to setup your development environment, create a Ape project and execute a deployment script for Rootstock.
To get started with Ape, ensure the following tools are installed:
- Linux or macOS
- Python 3.9 up to 3.12
- Windows: Install Windows Subsystem Linux (WSL
- Check the python version in a terminal with python3 --version.
Create a Ape project​
To start a new project with Ape, install Ape and then create a new one:
Create a directory for the project
mkdir ape && cd ape
Install pipx
Only neccessary if you don't have pipx installed:
python3 -m pip install --user pipx
python3 -m pipx ensurepath
Install Ape using pipx
pipx install eth-ape
Create an empty project
ape init
Enter a name for your project
ape init
Please enter project name: ape-rootstock-demo
SUCCESS: ape-rootstock-demo is written in ape-config.yaml
ape-config.yaml contracts scripts tests
A common project structure looks like this:
project # The root project directory
├── contracts/ # Project source files, such as '.sol' or '.vy' files
│ └── smart_contract_example.sol # Sample of a smart contract
├── tests/ # Project tests, ran using the 'ape test' command
│ └── # Sample of a test to run against your sample contract
├── scripts/ # Project scripts, such as deploy scripts, ran using the 'ape run <`name>' command
│ └── # Sample script to automate a deployment of an ape project
└── ape-config.yaml # The ape project configuration file
You can configure the ape project using the ape-config.yaml
file. See the configuration guide for a more detailed explanation of the settings to adjust.
Create an Account​
We will create an account and send funds to it before we can deploy a smart contract or interact with previously deployed contracts from the Ape project. Run the following command to generate an account.
ape accounts generate <ALIAS>
to replace ALIAS.
You will be prompted to add random input to enhance the security and add a password to encrypt the account.
ape accounts generate dev
Enhance the security of your account by adding additional random input:
Show mnemonic? [Y/n]: n
Create Passphrase to encrypt account:
Repeat for confirmation:
SUCCESS: A new account '0x260C915483943bf65596c298D2b46b8D67fF2FE5' with HDPath m/44'/60'/0'/0/0 has been added with the id 'dev'
If you do not want to see your mnemonic, select n
. Alternatively, use the --hide-mnemonic
option to skip the prompt.
Don't forget to add funds to the account generated. To get tRBTC, use the Rootstock Faucet. Additional faucet options include; Thirdweb and Blast Faucets.
To import an existing account check Importing Existing Accounts documentation.
Write your first contract​
As an example, You can use the following Box contract to store and retrieve a value.
Fist create a file named Box.sol
inside the contracts directory:
touch contracts/Box.sol
Open the file and add the following contract to it:
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity ^0.8.1;
contract Box {
uint256 private value;
event ValueChanged(uint256 newValue);
function store(uint256 newValue) public {
value = newValue;
emit ValueChanged(newValue);
function retrieve() public view returns (uint256) {
return value;
Compile the contract​
Before compiling the Solidity, ensure to install the Solidity compiler plugin. Running the following command will install the latest version of the plugin:
ape plugins install solidity
To use a specific version of Solidity or a specific EVM version, modify the ape-config.yaml
file as follows:
evm_version: INSERT_VERSION
For more information about the Solidity plugin, check ape-solidity
After installation, compile the contract using the following command:
ape compile
ape compile
INFO: Compiling using Solidity compiler '0.8.25+commit.b61c2a91'.
SUCCESS: 'local project' compiled.
After compilation, you can find the bytecode and ABI for your contracts in the .build
Deploy contract on Rootstock​
To deploy the box contract on Rootstock mainnet or testnet, install ape-rootstock plugin. This will allow for connection to Rootstock networks.
ape plugins install ape-rootstock
Install the 'rootstock' plugin? [y/N]: y
INFO: Installing 'rootstock' plugin ...
SUCCESS: Plugin 'rootstock' has been installed.
Then, create a deployment script named
inside of the scripts
touch scripts/
Next, we'll need to write the deployment script. We will need to load the account needed to be used to deploy the contract and access it by its name using the project manager.
Add the following into
from ape import project, accounts
def main():
# Load your account by its name
account = accounts.load("dev")
# Deploy the contract using your account
return account.deploy(project.Box)
Now you're ready to deploy the Box contract! Follow the next steps:
Run the deployment script using the ape run deploy command
ape run deploy --network rootstock:testnet
For mainnet deployment, use
--network rootstock:mainnet
Review the transaction details and enter y to sign the transaction
Enter the passphrase for your account
Enter y to exit your account unlocked or n to lock it
After following the prompts and submitting the transaction, the transaction hash, total fees paid, and contract address will be displayed in the terminal.
ape run deploy --network rootstock:testnet
INFO: Connecting to a 'rskj' node.
chainId: 31
from: 0x260C915483943bf65596c298D2b46b8D67fF2FE5
gas: 101643
nonce: 0
value: 0
data: 0x307836...303333
gasPrice: 65164000
Sign: [y/N]: y
Enter passphrase to unlock 'dev' []:
Leave 'dev' unlocked? [y/N]: y
INFO: Submitted 0xf837d08ac7bab308b9ae3276e15b1dfd69a0888725a779363cfe2939c6b5be5f
Confirmations (1/1): 100%|███████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████| 1/1 [00:30<00:00, 30.63s/it]
INFO: Confirmed 0xf837d08ac7bab308b9ae3276e15b1dfd69a0888725a779363cfe2939c6b5be5f (total fees paid = 6623464452000)
INFO: Confirmed 0xf837d08ac7bab308b9ae3276e15b1dfd69a0888725a779363cfe2939c6b5be5f (total fees paid = 6623464452000)
SUCCESS: Contract 'Box' deployed to: 0x3F64cFe812c342069e510CBF581A30BEfd5897F8
Congratulations! Your contract is now active. Please ensure you save the address to facilitate interaction with it in the following section.
If you get the error: ERROR: (VirtualMachineError) (-32010) the sender account doesn't exist
Ensure to have tRBTC in the address generated in create an account.
Using The Ape Console​
To interact with the newly deployed contract, launch the Ape console by running:
ape console --network rootstock:testnet
Next, we have to create a contract instance using the contract's address:
Enter the values below in the shell:
ape console --network rootstock:testnet
INFO: Connecting to a 'rskj' node.
In [1]: dev = accounts.load("dev")
In [2]: box = Contract("0xA183c4DB0Fe974244F506069B09953119667505c")
Now, you can interact with the contract instance! For example, set the variable to be stored in the Box contract using the following commands:
- Call the store method by passing in a value to store, and the account to send the transaction:, sender=dev)
- Press enter, and review the transaction details and type "y" to sign the transaction.
- If your account is currently locked, enter the passphrase to unlock it. Otherwise, Ape will use the cached key from your account.
- If you unlocked your account in the previous step, you'll be asked whether you'd like to keep it unlocked. Enter "y" to keep it unlocked or "n" to lock it.
After completing these steps and submitting the transaction, the transaction hash and total fees will be shown in the terminal.
In [3]:, sender=dev)
chainId: 31
to: 0x3F64cFe812c342069e510CBF581A30BEfd5897F8
from: 0x260C915483943bf65596c298D2b46b8D67fF2FE5
gas: 42490
nonce: 1
value: 0
data: 0x307836...303032
gasPrice: 65164000
Sign: [y/N]: y
Enter passphrase to unlock 'dev' []:
Leave 'dev' unlocked? [y/N]: y
INFO: Submitted 0x9224a7958c89272c3d41147b2e96df33d205ad5632c07fe40016be012721cf00
Confirmations (1/1): 100%|███████████████████████████████████████████████████████████ ████████████████| 1/1 [00:15<00:00, 15.38s/it]
INFO: Confirmed 0x9224a7958c89272c3d41147b2e96df33d205ad5632c07fe40016be012721cf00 (total fees paid = 2768818360000)
INFO: Confirmed 0x9224a7958c89272c3d41147b2e96df33d205ad5632c07fe40016be012721cf00 (total fees paid = 2768818360000)
Out[3]: <Receipt 0x9224a7958c89272c3d41147b2e96df33d205ad5632c07fe40016be012721cf00>
You can retrive the stored value by calling the retrieve method:
Enter the values in the shell:
In [5]: box.retrieve()
Out[5]: 2
Well done! We have successfully deployed and interacted with a contract on the Rootstock network using Ape!
- See the Ape Documenetation.