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Create a Hardhat Project

In this section, you will learn how to create a hardhat project and verify hardhat installation.

Clone the Project Repository​

To get started, clone the rootstock-quick-start-guide repository:

git clone

Install Dependencies​

Run the following command in the project root.

  npm install

The quick start repo already comes pre-installed with hardhat. The master branch has the intial setup and barebones project and the feat/complete branch has the complete state of the hardhat project. You can view the diff in the initial and complete state branches of the repo at any point in time while going through this material. To run the full project, checkout into feat/complete branch, install the dependencies and run the command: npx http-server.

Verify Hardhat Installation​

Here, we will verify the installation of hardhat in your project.

  • To verify hardhat installation:
    • The quickstart repository comes with Hardhat pre-installed. To check if Hardhat is installed, execute npx hardhat in the rootstock-quick-start-guide directory.
    • npx hardhat not only verifies installation but also allows you to initiate a new Hardhat project if it doesn't exist. For a new project, you'll be prompted to choose from several options. To create a blank project, select Create an empty hardhat.config.js, or pick one of the other options to begin with a pre-set template.

Once setup is complete, you can verify Hardhat is installed correctly by running npx hardhat again. It should display a help message with available tasks, indicating that Hardhat is installed and ready to use.

Last updated on by Edwin Liava'a