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Transport Protocols

The following transport protocols are available on Rootstock:

HTTP transport protocol​

HTTP requests should be made:

  • to the port number specified in the config for rpc.providers.web.http.port
    • this is 4444 by default
    • for public nodes, omit the port number
  • to the "root" route (/)
  • using the HTTP verb POST
  • specifying a Content-Type header of application/json
  • with a request body specified as stringified JSON

For example, a curl command to a localhost Rootstock node would look similar to this:

curl http://localhost:4444/ \ \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
--data '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"RPC_METHOD_NAME","params":[RPC_REQUEST_PARAMETERS],"id":1}'

WebSockets transport protocol​

WebSockets connections should be established:

  • to the port number specified in the config for
    • this is 4445 by default
    • public nodes do not have the WebSockets transport protocol enabled
  • to the WebSockets route (/websocket)

Once connected:

  • Send a request body specified as stringified JSON
  • No "verb" or "headers" are necessary, as these are specific to the HTTP transport protocol

For example, a wscat command to connect to a localhost Rootstock node would look similar to this:

wscat -c ws://localhost:4445/websocket

After the connection has been established using wscat, you may send multiple RPC requests within the same session. (Note that > marks requests to be input, and that < marks responses that will be printed.)

Last updated on by Edwin Liava'a