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RSKj Node Installation

Rootstock nodes can be installed on Ubuntu OS, Windows, Docker and Java. Here, we provide step-by-step instructions for all supported dev environments. Depending on your network performance, it usually takes 10 to 15 mins to setup a working node on Mainnet.

Ensure that your system meets the minimum requirements before installing the Rootstock nodes.

Looking to test your dApps on testnet in minutes before deploying to mainnet? Use the RPC API

Supported Environments​

EnvironmentsHow to Install
Ubuntu PackageVisit Setup Node on Ubuntu for instructions on installing Rootstock Node on ubuntu systems
Java - Fat / Uber JARVisit Setup Node using JAR for instructions on installing Rootstock Node on any system with Fat JAR or Uber JAR.
DockerVisit the Docker Hub for instructions on installing Rootstock Node as a docker container on any system.
WindowsVisit Setup Node on Windows OS
Last updated on by Edwin Liava'a
