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Running the RSKj Node using a CLI

After fulfilling the steps Pre-requisites, Get the source code, Ensure the security chain and Get external dependencies according to your operating system (Windows, Linux, Mac), you can compile and run a Rootstock node from command line following these steps.

Compiling and running the node​

From the root directory where the code was downloaded, execute:

./gradlew build -x test

After building, run:

java -cp [jar] co.rsk.Start


  • [jar]: the path to the fatjar generated by the gradle shadow command. It can be found on rskj-core/build/libs/rskj-core-{version}-all.jar.

It's ready!

You are on the Mainnet by default. If you want to switch the networks, read this page.

Last updated on by Edwin Liava'a
