Time to read: 1 min
Overview | Peg-out
In this section, we will learn how to perform a peg-out transaction on the PowPeg app, to convert RBTC to BTC.
To start using PowPeg App, you will need to connect your RSK wallet:
Connect your wallet:
Once connected your will see your address and your balance:

To get started, see the Requirements for Pegout section.
We will do the following:
- Perform a peg-out using MetaMask wallet
- Perform a peg-out using Ledger+Liquality
- How to get a Bitcoin derived address in hardware wallet using Electrum
- Viewing a Transaction Status
- Troubleshooting and common errors
- Convert BTC - RBTC using the PowPeg App.
- View Advanced Operations.
- PowPeg App frontend repo
- PowPeg App backend repo
- Rootstock Testnet Faucet
- Design architecture