Time to read: 1 min
Performing a peg-out using ledger and software wallet
Performing a peg-out transaction using Ledger and Liquality​
The Liquality Wallet is a browser extension for accessing Bitcoin, Rootstock, and Ethereum applications.
Liquality Wallet has been discountinued. See section on Supported wallets by the PowPeg.
We will perform a peg-out transaction using the Ledger Hardware Wallet and Liquality.
Get started​
To perform a peg-out transaction using the Ledger device with Metamask, follow the steps below:
Step 1: Open Metamask click on select account, and then in the Add account or hardware wallet button:

Step 2: Select Add hardware wallet option:

Step 3: The user will be redirected to wallet selection page:
To connect with a Trezor Wallet:
To connect with a Ledger Wallet:
Now you can see "Ledger" or "Trezpr" label in your Metamask accounts